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Monday, October 24, 2016

WINNING WAYS #4; We lived in a world where expectations and dreams are fast becoming unattainable

"With keen interest i have come to learned and understand that if only people knew how close they were to success before they quit, they would have hang on more one time"

We lived in a world where expectations and dreams are fast becoming unattainable, goals are set yet its fulfillment often seems difficult. Wishes and fantasy are becoming the order of the day.
Oh, how i wish i have some cool cash i would go into fashion business, oh i would love to be an entrepreneur, a CEO of a mega company and so fort. A lot of how i will and would have and it brings us to an amazing and most important question "Why are dreams and aspiration short lived, why does goals seems unattainable to some and what are
the reason only few achieve their set goals and aspirations"

Now you are about to know what factor that has hinder and set many backward from achieving that dream business, that magnificent building and assets you crave for, that life style you have dreamt of all through your growing up as a child. Of a truth you can tell with the life you are living now if it was your dreams of yesterday. Can you beat on your chest with laughter and say YES, i have achieved and accomplish my set goals. If YES is your answer CONGRATULATION but if NO then likely the below could be your reason.

• Lack of Divine purpose-- This is the first and foremost in the hierarchy of discerning one ambition in life. A lot of people get it all wrong at this stage, they choose their career based on other peoples priority, some allowed parental and peers influenced to shaped their thinking and decisions on career path. We are all created specially and unique in the image of Christ and as such with a different calling,vocation and purposes. Until we learn to understand that divinely we have a purpose on planet earth, we will continue to dabble into other people choice of living. You must know the purpose of God in your life.

•Alternatives-- Very often we failed in life because we set up for ourselves alternatives and options. One danger of alternatives and several options is that, it makes you relax and over depended on your permutations, you believe if A didn't work then B or C and as such you relax and at the end you fail. If you must succeed and become an achiever, learn to do with just one option. In dealing with one option it beckon on you to know that you got only one life line to succeed and you must pursue it will all eagerness. Good example from the bible is Esther. This woman proclaimed to face her battle and vow if she perish she perish, you know the end of the story she didn't perish because she had only one option to attack. Shedrach, meshack and Abednego declared they won't bow down to the king because they have only one option to serve God alone and their word of faith " Even though our God didn't save us from the fire, we will never bow down to the king". What is the point here, have confidence in your choice and don't be tempted to engage in permutation ( alternatives) it is a great killer of faith and confidence.

• Setting a baseline-- If you don't set a baseline standard for what you will accept in your life, you will find it easy to slip into behaviour and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve. A lot of people at this point don't go far because they compromise standard, integrity, principles and ethics. You must have a standard to be reckon with if you desire success and breakthrough. Let people attest your principles and integrity as a staunch honest and disciplinarian. If you must succeed don't settle for less.

• Lack of WILL Power--"Where there is the will there is the way". Is an old saying but a motivational tool to success. If you lack the will to succeed invariably you have chosen to fail. What is WILL here? This is that inner strength to strive and contend even in the face of challenges and setback or even in a difficult task. Learn to muster the strength to push forward even when the job is tedious,when the goals seems insumantable. Always see that dreams as achievable by so doing you grow the WILL to map out strategy to tackle it. What doesn't kill a man will only make him stronger.
•Procrastination--As you have always read elsewhere and know that procrastination is a thief of time, this is solely responsible for many delayed projects and dreams. For when you procrastinate, it puts you one mile backward on the journey of life. Don't ever leave what is suppose to be done today for tomorrow, always do things at the appropriate time. Finally,

•Don't Give up-- You have tried every other thing but success hasn't come, HOLD ON! You are too close to quit now, those who quit regretted they do so. That success and desire could be just a day wait, a week wait or month it could even be some minutes or hour wait. You can't afford to give up now on all that struggle. The devil is a liar, yes you might be in your late 30's or 40's and it seems as if no suitor are forth coming, i say to you HOLD ON! Don't write yourself off for something better will come for you. Why am i so sure is because good things takes time to prepare and that you aren't giving up on that wait. As a man you are 40 and nothing seems to be working i encourage you as well to hold on  that dream in your heart for definitely you will hit it when the time is set. Don't give up on that child you are believing God to change, you will live to see them become successful and transform. That barren situation will soon be productive if only you don't give up. "For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again and that its shoots will not cease". Job 14.7.

Evan Tony.

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