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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Police warn users about new Facebook scam

Facebook users have been put on alert over the scam which starts off as an article about an alleged celebrity death appearing in their news feed.

The Facebook post shows a fake news article claiming a famous face has died, in these cases Graham Norton and Noel Edmonds according to Lancashire Police.

When Facebook users click on the article they are told their computer has been infected with a virus and that they should call 08000 698 622.

Police have told those affected to not call that number and instead immediately close their internet browser and run anti-virus software.

The scam warning was made by Lancashire Police on their Facebook page after receiving calls from concerned residents over the weekend.

In the Facebook post, a spokesman for the force said: “We have received a few enquiries regarding an internet scam that is doing the rounds again on Facebook.

“The scam involves a user clicking on a link in Facebook that states a celebrity has died these include Graham Norton and Noel Edmonds (they haven’t), when you click on the link two pop ups will appear claiming that your computer has been infected and that you need to call this number 08000698622 the second will be an American voice stating the same.

“Please do not ring this number, close the windows and run your Anti-virus software to do the check.

“Stay safe and never divulge personal information without checking and knowing that you’re speaking to the genuine company.”

The warning was posted on the Lancashire Police Facebook page and has been shared almost 7,000 times. has contacted Facebook for comment.

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